Today I noticed that I've been banned from asking questions, so now I want to know how to get interest in your question again after updated/editing it so that you can avoid reasking the question in another post/question. 

I originally posted about a problem I was having with [HTTPS on IIS][1]. Someone responded and asked for more details so I edited the post with more information and some screenshots. 
Since then not much has happened. In the meantime though I had been researching one particular avenue and needed to ask a different question to eliminate it as a possibility. I did this by [asking a new question altogether][2]. I got down voted twice with no proper explanation as to why. 

If you guys are looking to improve the content on ServerFault then why not force the people down voting to explain why they're doing so? Others reading the question may have found it a perfectly sensible question, but one or two people didn't. 

The main question is: Once you've edited your question, how can you get interest in it again? Does it show up in the Questions list again once edited? 
