Most questions can be rephrased to sound innocent - for example, rather than asking "how do I copy software?" you could ask "how do I prevent copying software?".  The answer to the second form of the question goes a good way to answering the first.  There is no way of knowing the intent of the questioner with this kind of question.

Only answers which are likely to put the site in disrepute or in conflict with the authorities where it is hosted should be removed.  Individuals are free to move on to questions they don't have a problem with.

I just asked a question about blocking IPSEC as I operate in countries where a block might be in place (equally an ISP might accidentally block IPSEC and need guidance for a speedy recovery).  Framed badly this question might have looked like I was trying to get around some sort of security block - but really I am not.  That kind of question could easily get censored and reduce the value of this site.