This was mentioned already, but I wanted to be very concise. Admins in the field will not (in general) install ANY server apps onto desktop OSs. Whether or not you feel that this is true, or fair, or relevant demonstrates a lack of broad, practical experience.
That's ok.
As others have stated, SU - as a hobbyist site - has a lot to offer in terms of advice on nonstandard or unsupported configs. Often, the problem is with people perceiving SU experts as 'lesser' somehow. They have different skillsets. Fact is, you have a much better chance of finding someone who's got experience with that scenario on SU than SF.
No offense intended, but your installing something with 'server' in its name doesn't make the activity 'server administration' any more than standing in a garage makes me a car. Perl is technically programming, but if I took such questions to SO, I hope they'd migrate it to SF. Hopefully that makes it a little clearer.