I've done the most close vote reviewing, and I vote to close *a lot.* As per some of the [pre-election discussion,][1] I think it would be useful to more precisely define (maybe with examples) what each of the close vote reasons means for "us" on SF... ...but in the meantime, I generally err on the side of voting to close. It takes 5 to close, and although there's sometimes a bit of pile-on close-voting, it's rare for a good question to get closed, and of those, many get re-opened after an edit or clarification in Chat or meta. (No, I don't leave comments: Although constructive comments might be useful (to go with the examples of bad questions), in most cases the close reason or downvote keytip are enough.) I'm not exactly sure what the question was or if this is an answer, but I think voting (up/down/close) is the main tool for getting rid of crap, so I do it a lot and I never worry about whether I'm doing it "right." [1]: http://meta.serverfault.com/questions/5463/can-we-do-anything-to-change-the-dynamic-of-the-site