My question about [whether Amazon CloudFront offered DDoS protection][1] was put on hold as off-topic because I was allegedly asking for "product, service, or learning material recommendations". I was clearly not asking for recommendations or opinions. Amazon CloudFront offers DDoS protection or it doesn't; and if it does, it could do so at different layers of the OSI model. The answers must be objective. Another user didn't like the fact that I was referring to a commercial service, which seems perfectly fine according to [what's considered on-topic here][2]. Plus, the question was put on hold so that I can reword it -- And however I do that, I'd always be referring to the same commercial service. I'd really love to know if I did anything wrong so that I can keep it in mind in the future, or if my question was appropriate, I'd appreciate it if it could be reinstated. [1]: [2]: