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Which other site should “unprofessional” people fly away?

I wrote a question two weeks ago, closed for not being professional enough. I tried to understand why it was closed, and i tried to make understand people that perhaps they were wrong closing it, and that they should left the question open to see if someone thinking different could help.

It was not possible, and my question was finally deleted by the “garbage collector” Community. This is sad for a simple replicant like me because all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain, but is time to leave.

I read the post “What is our “competition” for ServerFault?” but I don’t see my question matching any other Stack Exchange sites, and the list offered there is a tinny one taking into account the big amount of unprofessional “replicants” we are (was) in here.

So the question is “Which other web site should we go?”. I have been partially helped with my specific problem outside here, and I think this list could really help people that can’t be helped here.

I really appreciate the comments (specialy their “tone”) made by people like “Mark Henderson” and “gWaldo” in some posts over Server Fault related with people flying away, and no matter how unpolite other people could be, I bring with me this shiny side of Server Fault.

Good luck!