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what's the point in unformatted comments?

I know that I can answer and I initiate the answer starting from clarifications immediately getting negative ratings which discourages to further participate in this thread.

What's the point in this?

1) Users with less that 50 cannot comment. And this is the case with me during with more than 75% of my answers.

I am answering and always getting negative ratings (note that many of my answers showing 0 while they were really initially downvoted and then upvoted) and not because of the helpfulness but just because others become irritated by putting content in answer instead of comments (which were just not available most of time for me)

2) Comments do not permit any formatting and simply are not readable for updating. Why cannot I centralize all my replies just in obe answer. Why does it irritate all other participants?

Are you comfortable clicking buttons to open hidden comments and reading unformatted strings?

  1. Sometimes I answer to clarify my understanding getting negative ratings. I am answering in order to understand better. What is wrong with this?