I started to leave this as another comment in your [linked question](http://serverfault.com/a/548171/152073), but it was getting to be on the long side so this is probably a better place. In reply to "All this tells us is that someone is trying to force the wrong team to implement the fix.", you answered: *Such as it may be, one has to work with it.* This is where we get into the grey area of professionalism as ServerFault sees it. Yes, you work for a large company, and they are making you do something that you shouldn't. *You* are a professional. What is being asked of you isn't, and some would say that your duty as a professional is to dog the point that it wouldn't be professional of you to do this. Let's skip over that, because like you said, sometimes we're just stuck with situations like this. What has to be decided is who an answer is going to be useful to. In this case that is most likely to be: 1. Other people in your position. 2. People who incidentally learn something in passing from reading the Q&A. 3. By far the most likely: unprofessional people trying to implement unprofessional things. RE #3, SF tries very hard not to appeal to that sort, and that's sorta where your question dies in the water. It's crappy that you're stuck in this position and that your question isn't likely to get much help here, but I honestly think you're more likely to get more mileage at this point by voluntarily migrating it over to unix.SE. (or superuser, but I think better of your position than that) It's not so much trying to punish you as steer you toward the people most likely to provide answers in a "just make it work" academic exercise.