> Please read the full question before downvoting.

I am a very happy stackoverflow user, i also use quite a few other stackexchange sites with a very good feeling.

On no other stackexchange site i noticed this quite aggressive downvoting and closing of questions.

my last questions which was closed: https://serverfault.com/questions/795629/how-to-log-the-full-smtp-transcript-for-each-email-to-a-database-in-debian

>closed as off-topic by joeqwerty, Ward, yoonix, masegaloeh, mdpc Aug 9 at 19:50
>This question appears to be off-topic for this site. While what’s on- and >off-topic is not always intuitive, you can learn more about it by reading >the help center. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
>"Questions seeking installation, configuration or diagnostic help must include the desired end state, the specific problem or error,
> sufficient information about the configuration and environment to
> reproduce it, and attempted solutions. Questions without a clear
> problem statement are not useful to other readers and are unlikely to
> get good answers." – Ward, yoonix, masegaloeh
> If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center,
> please edit your question.

what makes my question worse than https://serverfault.com/questions/369552/configuration-to-send-postfix-mail-logs-to-a-database

but this is not a request to also close the question, even if the question was short it has a helpful answer which could be found on google and also helped me to get a direction.

i read the following links but nothing really helped me to improve my question.

- https://serverfault.com/help/on-topic
- https://serverfault.com/help/closed-questions
- https://serverfault.com/help/reopen-questions

off-topic was given for reason but why is the question offtopic? 

i flaged the question to get a hint from a moderator but i only get one comment (not sure if it's the moderator)

stackoverflow is much more kindly on that. a comment is much more helpful than a downvote especially if a non native speaker wrote the question.

- how to ask questions correctly here on serverfault? 
- why questions are downvoted/closed so aggressivly here compared to stackoverflow?

please tell me why, tell me what could be enhanced or better written. i nearly stopped asking, reading and answering questions here, because of the aggressive downvoting and while i write this question i see this questions downvoted and closed because its a "meta" question and don't belong here or whatever.
i asked it here, because i don't look for this question answered on the meta page, where a different clientele reads the question. i want to ask it to the serverfault clientele. 

so please be kind, don't see rules too strict.