I flagged the following item as being possibly not appropriate to ServerFault suggesting another possible group.  I got the following reply for the question http://serverfault.com/questions/358965/why-is-my-ubuntu-system-not-using-the-correct-kernel

"Why is my Ubuntu system not using the correct kernel? [migrated]
asked 2 days ago by Brooks Moses
Hmmm....sounds like this thing belongs in the UNIX group...what do you think? – 2 days ago "  

**declined - U&L is now a close target for us. You can cast Close -> Off Topic-> Belongs on unix.stackexchange.com yourself.**

However, it was eventually migrated to the Ubuntu group.  Thus, this decline seems odd to me based on the final result which was indeed a migration indicating an improper group.  I'll admit that I didn't have the appropriate group but I asked the question and suggested a course of action.

Why the inconsistency?