I recently posted [this][1] question, and it got closed rather quickly. Some comments suggested that it might be better suited for SU, but laser printers are almost exclusively used in a professional capacity, not at home. They require a specific set of knowledge, which I do not have (and I'd guess that many others here also have little clue about them and would appreciate some basics). If my boss tells me to fix the printer and I tell him "Oh, that's not my job. All the regular users should know how to do that.", there would obviously be issues. Simply because performing maintinance on a printer requires physical labor, instead of sitting behind a keyboard while typing and doing computery stuff, doesn't mean it should get automatically categorized as a lesser task. Any discussion and clarification would be appreciated. [1]: http://serverfault.com/questions/349749/what-are-the-basics-of-laser-printers-and-their-maintinance