I saw this over on Meta.SO: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/139770/should-certification-questions-be-closed where the answer stated:

> Questions that ask for clarification on or an answer to a specific
> question from a certification exam (i.e. questions we could actually
> answer) can stay. Those questions should probably be retagged with the
> specific certification exam...

Is this true as well here on SF?  The off-topic list includes:

>  - Product, service, or learning material recommendations
>  - Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education

Which the Meta.SO answer states is really off-topic as well, but clarifies it with the above quote/point.

All that said...the real question here is, if the quote from Meta.SO isn't valid here on SF, should tags such as [tag:ccna] or [tag:mcse] be removed?  It would seem that leaving them would allow someone to think that a question regarding the CCNA is ok if a tag exists and has been used quite a few times in the past.  Case in point from today: http://serverfault.com/questions/532027/when-we-subnet-are-we-borrowing-from-the-network-id-or-host-id-to-create-subnet

However, if the Meta.SO point is VALID here as well, then leaving the tags around is also valid.

(The point could be made for instance, that the example question is still valid and on-topic without the CCNA tag or the question stating "While studying for my CCNA...", so does adding the CCNA tag suddenly render it OT?)

OR...could someone assume the tag is a qualifier for the level of expertise needed on a question?  For instance, if I ask a question on OSPF, would tagging it with [tag:ccna] hope to draw in Cisco experts?