I don't have an "answer" per-se; but I agree with your sentiment. 

It becomes apparent at some point that the Questioner is not a *Professional* SysAdmin. They in fact have been drafted, or are a hobbyist. Once it has been well established that the Questioner is out of their depth, both in capability of troubleshooting and understanding the problem, then the Question should be either closed or migrated to a more appropriate site.

The problem with that, is where the line in the sand should be drawn. We need to have a certain tolerance for people who are simply working on a system they are not familiar with. But we do expect a baseline body of knowledge that allows the Questioner to engage in intelligent and productive clarification of their Question. I think this is best covered in the other mSF questions: [“Server Fault is for system administrators… in a professional capacity”](https://meta.serverfault.com/questions/1760/server-fault-is-for-system-administrators-in-a-professional-capacity) and [Perception of Purpose](https://meta.serverfault.com/questions/465/perception-of-purpose)


TL;DR - If the Questioner can understand the problem/solution, work with them. If it's beyond their comprehension, tell them to seek professional help.