Tangentially [related to another meta post](http://meta.serverfault.com/questions/6342/are-we-becoming-too-judgmental-about-questions-relating-to-professionalism), the last discussion [about this was a while back](http://meta.serverfault.com/questions/637/how-to-attract-more-professionals), so it may be time to revisit this topic. The #1 answer in the chat was money, so that and [fried chicken](http://www.247waiter.com/_upload/products/13917166950004412572.jpg) aside, how can we draw more professional system administrators to the site? Personally, I came on board frequently last year after running into brick walls with SCCM. Even though most of my SCCM questions [went unanswered](http://serverfault.com/search?tab=newest&q=user%3a154913%20%5bsccm%5d), I saw that I could help others w/ their sccm problems, and got help w/ group policy and other things, so it was a valid tradeoff.