[Similar to the old "bad tag collection" thread][1], I'm looking for suggestions/submissions of tags we still have hanging around on Server Fault, that we would be better off not having in existence anymore, because they're no longer on topic ([tag:career]), [because they should be merged into something else][2] ([tag:443]), or because they just plain suck so much it's painful ([tag:fixed]). I'm also looking for tags that are a mess and need cleanup, but not might not need destroyed ([tag:documentation]). Either way, questions that are locked for historical significance can be ♦-edited (therefore, retagged) without bumping them to the top of the active list... so I'll be temporarily locking questions I retag to minimize disruptions. I've also created a new tag, [tag:historical] to help me deal with questions that don't really have a valid, on-topic tag that's applicable to them anymore. Like the older bad tag older thread, the idea is to consolidate a bunch of retag/burninate requests into one, and this also allows me track tags I wish to kill off easily, without having hundreds of open browser tabs devoted to the purpose. And of course, if anyone thinks a tag that I'm working on shouldn't be destroyed or cleaned up, that feedback is welcome as well. Post answers however you like - one tag per answer, multiple tags per answer, whatever - and I'll come by and add suggested tags to my list of tags to look into. --- **A couple notes to anyone who wants to search out tags in need of being killed off:** - Tags that **actually** have 0 questions are automatically deleted by a script daily. - Tags with locked questions in them aren't affected by the deletion script. - The individual page for a given tag (such as http://serverfault.com/questions/tagged/career) may ***lie*** to you! - ![enter image description here][3] - ![enter image description here][4] - The default page for all tags is also a filthy, filthy liar. - ![enter image description here][5] - The small, grey number to the side of a tag indicates the number of questions a tag has, but doesn't count the number of *locked* questions in that tag. - Tags without a number either have 0 unlocked questions in them, or aren't actually tags, but are synonyms. --- #Tags that I'm currently working on getting rid of:# [tag:upload][tag:calendar-management][tag:policy][tag:managed][tag:training][tag:chat][tag:remote-support][tag:remote-administration][tag:usage][tag:scheduling][tag:jobs][tag:job][tag:management][tag:offsite][tag:requirements][tag:system][tag:webapplication][tag:centralization][tag:document-management][tag:administration][tag:wildcard][tag:failed][tag:device][tag:path][tag:persistence][tag:response][tag:response-time][tag:undo][tag:freezing][tag:analysis][tag:analytics][tag:block][tag:blocked][tag:checklist][tag:collaboration][tag:color][tag:comparison][tag:controller][tag:customization][tag:dashboard][tag:delay][tag:diagnose][tag:diagnostic][tag:digital][tag:dvd][tag:editor][tag:extract][tag:filenames][tag:filter][tag:fonts][tag:forms][tag:hardware-selection][tag:im][tag:interrupts][tag:library][tag:license-key][tag:limits][tag:line][tag:load][tag:locks][tag:mapping][tag:media][tag:mirror][tag:portal][tag:program][tag:remote][tag:resume][tag:tips][tag:standards][tag:system][tag:tagging][tag:task][tag:theory][tag:training][tag:upload][tag:select][tag:setting-as-default][tag:twitter][tag:communication][tag:reference][tag:options][tag:thrashing] #Tags that I'm currently cleaning up:# [tag:password][tag:documentation][tag:maintenance][tag:upgrading][tag:troubleshooting][tag:small-business][tag:infrastructure][tag:debugging][tag:testing][tag:user-management][tag:daemon][tag:users][tag:configuration][tag:administrator][tag:administration][tag:licensing][tag:workstation][tag:web][tag:directory][tag:files][tag:optimization][tag:port][tag:process] [tag:service][tag:startup][tag:users][tag:application][tag:archiving][tag:automation][tag:boot][tag:connectivity][tag:package][tag:packaging][tag:remote][tag:replication][tag:testing][tag:video][tag:volume][tag:vulnerabilities][tag:install][tag:timeout][tag:virtual][tag:reference][tag:guides] --- [1]: http://meta.serverfault.com/q/3042/118258 [2]: http://meta.serverfault.com/q/7869/118258 [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/kTpgW.png [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/Exgse.png [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/IojRf.png