Whereas, the migration statistics as discovered [in this meta post][1] show a demonstrated and ongoing trend of mod-only migrations to dba.stackexchange.com, and Whereas, Webmasters has not resided in the top-4 migration destinations for many months, and Whereas, the changing nature of released StackExchange sites has fundamentally altered the nature of does-not-belong-here questions, **Therefore be it resolved:**<Br> That the 4th migration path for ServerFault be changed from Webmasters to DBA in order to better enable the ServerFault close-voting population to migrate these questions without Moderator action. --- Voting will remain open until 1800UTC Jan 14, 2012. Debate is now open. [1]: https://meta.serverfault.com/questions/2582/the-state-of-the-4-migration-target