From the [FAQ][1]: > Server Fault is for system > administrators and IT professionals, > people who manage or maintain > computers in a professional capacity. > If you are in charge of ... > > - servers > - networks > - many desktop PCs (other than your own) > > ... then you're in the right place to > ask your question! Well, as long as > the question is about your servers, > your networks, or your desktops, > anyway. Notice the ***in a professional capacity*** and ***other than your own***. Judging from the above quote, it seems perfectly okay to ask these kind of questions, as long as it is primarily focused on the ***professional*** field and does not end up in "help me, my computer broke down" kind of questions. ---------- If these questions are focused on a ***home*** use, they should be directed to **[Super User][2]**, as long as they respect [its scope][3]: > Super User is for computer enthusiasts > and power users. If you have a question about … > > - computer hardware > - computer software > > and it is **not about** … > > - videogames or consoles > - websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress > - electronic devices, media players, cell phones or smart phones, except > insofar as they interface with your > computer > - a shopping or buying recommendation > > … then you're in the right place to > ask your question! [1]: [2]: [3]: