I think "Too Localized" means "we have no idea what your use case is or what your performance needs are. That information is necessary to give you a reasonable answer that isn't a small book which covers the most likely scenarios. Sadly, that information is currently only known by you, so either pony up more info or we'll have to close it as **too localized to the four walls of your office.**" At least, that's how I interpret it. Certainly the question is of poor quality and we shouldn't need to coax information out of people like placing saucers of milk to cajole kittens from under the porch. I think "Too Localized" is a bit of a stretch of reasoning in this case. If I had seen that question, I would have voted to close it on grounds of not being a real question. Half a question, half a question, Half a question onward, All in the valley of NARQs Rode the SysAdmins. 'Forward the Bright Brigade! Charge for the NARQs!' we said. Into the valley of Derp Rode the SysAdmins. ##TL;DR "How long is a piece of string?" ![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/ucBQl.jpg