Ok, I can't understand what I am supposed to post on that stackexchange site as everything I post gets downvoted, this for stackexchanges general policies too.

On stackoverflow I know I can post programming-related questions, why a code doesn't work, the best way to attempt something and so on, on super user I post general questions related to oses..but on serverfaul, a server related stack exchange:

1- I could post asking for what server would be good in order to solve my problem

--->question gets closed as stackexchange doesn't allow asking for technologies (and this is wrong on serverfault, imho as most of questions would be about technologies)

2- I could post asking about configuration problems, why my newly installed server gives me boot errors.

--->question gets downvoted and eventually closed as it is too simple and serverfault is for professionals (yes I got this answer...I am a student and I need help?No thanks, serverfault community is just for professionals)

3- I could post asking for a network architecture suggestion which had to solver my problem.

--->question gets closed as very subjective.

I am missing something here...and, just an ot, haven't you the feeling that serverfault's community is a little less friendly than other major stackexchanges sites? I often get rude answers while on other sites people are usually nicer...