I didn't insult anyone and I hardly see my answer as aggressive. I merely stated what should be obvious to anyone who has any experience with Exchange Server. If someone tells me that the Information Store service being stopped has no impact on the users then I'm going to assume that they're woefully unqualified to be speaking about, much less administering, Exchange server or that they're lying to me in an attempt to mask/hide their incompetence. I see nothing aggressive nor insulting about being direct and blunt (painful as it might be for the recipient to hear).

Additionally, I didn't "lift" that information from  TechNet. That is the description of the service from the Services applet in Administrative Tools. If I had gotten the information from TechNet I would have cited it as such and posted a link.

Furthermore, there's a difference between "bad mouthing" other professionals in this field (which is something I frown upon myself) and pointing out when someone isn't qualified to be doing the job they're doing. If my physician isn't up to the task of managing my healthcare then I'm going to put it to him/her directly, frankly, and bluntly. I insulted nobody with my answer and I fail to see how it's bad mouthing them. If you're bad at your job or unqualified for said job then I have a responsibility to say so, regardless of the delicate sensibilities of the recipient of my bluntness.