A few years ago I decided to do some Microsoft exams and get some certification to help switch jobs. As part of that process I obtained a few video training courses, most notably those from CBT, to help me revise and fill in those blanks resulting from things I didn't use day to day. Several of those courses still used, or at least refered to, class based addressing. So do a number of fairly recent texts I've seen from people/organisations that should know better.

The point I'm trying to make here is that, whether we like it or not, this stuff **is** still being taught, so we are going to continue seeing those questions. 

As an aside, [serverfault.com/questions/12854/cidr-for-dummies][1] is a great example of a question that got shoved onto SU when it should have been put out of its misery.

  [1]: https://serverfault.com/questions/12854/cidr-for-dummies