I'd consider myself high-rep (in terms of server fault anyway, but not on other sites), but I've asked some pretty dumb or reallllly edge questions ([here][1] [here][2] or [here][3] for just a few). These questions most likely aren't much use to anyone except me, or the complete newbie. On the flip side, I'm constantly seeing great questions being asked by low-rep, new users. (I'm also seeing a lot of terrible questions too, but that can only be expected). [1]: http://serverfault.com/questions/229433/does-the-vsphere-server-need-access-to-the-san [2]: http://serverfault.com/questions/256213/why-is-vt-mode-disabled-by-default-is-there-harm-in-enabling-it-closed [3]: http://serverfault.com/questions/122756/is-a-soft-modem-i-e-internal-really-going-to-cause-incompatibilities