Would like to see the ability to hide the questions that are visible to _me_ if a question is asked by a user with a reputation lower than a threshold set in personal preferences.


I meant as a personal preference, to be able to hide which questions _I see_.  This is similar to how Slashdot does it: you can hide comments that are below a certain threshold, but this in no way impacts what _others_ see.  Obviously by default this would be disabled.

Why?  To see more meaningful, rewarding questions to answer in the first few pages; to eliminate some "noise" if you will.


This feature was proposed for the wrong reasons, when I should've "counted to 10" if you will, and proof that correlation does not imply causation.  As a few of you pointed out correctly, just because a lot of 1st-time questions are abandoned by their author, it doesn't mean that _all_ 1st-time questions are a waste of time; it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to spend time answering a question or not, and that takes more than just the user rep to decide.