If I try to ask a question I see a page that say me this:

> You have reached your question limit It looks like you might need a
> break - take a breather and come back soon! 
> You've asked 2 questions recently, some of which have not been
> received very well by the community. Everyone learns at their own
> pace, and it’s okay to make some mistakes. However, the reception your
> questions have received thus far might ultimately block your account
> from asking questions entirely. 
> It's been 4 days since you asked your last question. We ask that you
> wait 1 days before asking again. Use this time to revisit your
> previous questions, editing to address any issues that folks have
> pointed out in comments.

This say that I have post 2 question recently "that have not been received very well". But I have only post 1 question on serverfault and it have no negative rating. So why is the system telling this?

Thanks in advance

PS:  @Dennis Kaarsemaker I didn't delete any question. I have just noticed that I can't put comments also.