We already have a [nice resource for that particular problem][1]. The real issues are that

- No one who needs to, reads anything least of all documentation.
- No one who needs to, uses search.
- People would rather answer the question than close it as a duplicate
- Duplicates you know exist are [stupidly difficult to find][2].


Personally I think that we should spoon feeding people people and start acting like the senior admins that these people are clearly lacking. Instead of giving people 'the code' answers we should instead give pointers to ideas and make people work it out for themselves with nudges in the right direction. This would at least have the benefit of making the internet better s it will weed out the truely clueless and the cargocultists.  

  [1]: http://serverfault.com/questions/214512/redirect-change-urls-or-redirect-http-to-https-in-apache-everything-you-ever
  [2]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/232242/help-us-find-duplicates-efficiently