What should be done with the Career-Development and Career tags? I believe The Community's [position][1] on questions that relate to the non-technical aspects of system administration and support jobs are outside the scope of this site. A quick stroll through the tagged questions shows a lot of closed questions, a lot of upvoted "What should I do so I can get Job X" questions and few ones that are probably worth saving ([How to encourage Windows Administrators to pick up scripting][2], [The Joel Test for Sys Admins][3], and [How to Interview for a Sys Admin Candidate][4]). There is some ambiguity, especially for "junior" SF members like me, in seeing many open and upvoted Career Development-style questions, because it seems to indicate that they are on-topic. They're either appropriate or they're not; consequently The Community should either clean house or be more open to the consideration that they're on-topic. [1]: https://meta.serverfault.com/questions/1478/is-there-an-appropriate-place-for-system-administration-career-oriented-questions [2]: https://serverfault.com/questions/70748/how-to-encourage-windows-administrators-to-pick-up-scripting [3]: https://serverfault.com/questions/14832/the-joel-test-for-system-administrator-jobs [4]: https://serverfault.com/questions/3270/how-to-interview-a-sysadmin-candidate