I recently have been scouring server fault trying to learn more about network equipment and configuration. I eventually also [asked a question][1]. But I am led to ask: **How have there been no real improvements in small business / home networking in 5 years?**<br> **Is Gigabit the end all?** OK, so it may be a rant, but seriously: check out the questions I have starred and/or the "related" QAs in the side bar of my question. And the related QAs of those questions. "Modern" questions are from 2011 and most are 2009. That's like going to Superuser and asking about how to get more performance from a Pentium III. (The answer: $400 Core i3 from last year) Being an entrepreneur and always in whack-a-mole mode, I am a specialist in something only when it needs my attention. The last time I paid attention to my network was 5 years ago (obvious to those reading my question). Going through those old questions was exciting and disappointing at the same time: people making 50 PCs talk through a 10/100 network! How 1995! It feels to me like something should be done to archive legacy questions like that. Or force in a [10/100] tag in the title whenever the discussion involves 4 or 5 16+ port 10/100 switches and the new shiny Gigabit switch they want to integrate. Or am I simply out of touch with reality? My biz is small with only 4 or 5 employees and maybe 10 computers. The answers to my question gently hint at "buy a new switch" when once I researched the answers, $255 got spent instantly on hardware that's easily twice as good as my existing 5 year old switch of the same price. That tells me the answer should have also [included this link][2]. :-) And thanks, SFmeta, for helping me find [NE][3], where I am sure to spend more time in the upcoming weeks. [1]: https://serverfault.com/questions/564410/improvements-for-small-business-network [2]: http://blogmal.42.org/tidbits/no-dell-2724.story [3]: https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/