Since the FAQ as-written was not accepted, we get to have an edit round.

**The below is a grammar/spelling/punctuation checked version of the FAQ.**

The edit process:

 - Proposed edits will be submitted as answers. 
 - The edit should include:
   - The line(s) being changed if the change is in-line.
   - The preceeding line as context for edits adding new lines.
   - Optional: text justifying the change.
 - When an answer reaches a score of 10 or more, it will be added to the FAQ below
   - In case of conflicting edits, where two proposed edits change the same line, the first past the post will win and the other answer deleted. The other answer may be resubmitted for a reset vote-count.
   - Approved edits will have their content edited to 'accepted edit' to mark which have been approved (see the edit history for the exact text).
 - An answer to preemptively approve the FAQ as written can be submited, but will require a score of 20 for acceptance. If this happens, when 20 is reached the FAQ will be considered approved and no futher edits will be accepted.

The edit process will run until 0:00 UTC Tuesday, or whenever we run out of steam. 

Edits to tag-wikis can happen any time someone wants to take care of it.

Tip: to <strike>strike-out</strike> use `<strike>strikeout tags</strike>`

Server Fault is for **Information Technology Professionals** needing expert answers on topics related to *managing or maintaining computer systems* in a **professional capacity** for their company or clients.

<h3>If your question is about…</h3>

   - Servers
    - [tag:hardware]
    - Operating Systems, including [tag:linux] [tag:windows-server-2008] [tag:freebsd] [tag:solaris]
    - Server Software, such as [tag:apache2] [tag:exchange-2010] [tag:sharepoint]
    - Virtualization, including [tag:vmware-esxi] [tag:hyper-v] [tag:kvm] [tag:xen]
   - Enterprise [tag:storage] Systems, including [tag:san] fabrics and [tag:raid] devices.
   - Business Workstations
     - Desktop PC Operating Systems: [tag:windows-7] [tag:ubuntu]
     - Managing Desktop Applications/Software: [tag:sccm] [tag:wsus] [tag:zenworks]
   - Network [tag:routing], [tag:switches], and [tag:firewall] devices and administration
   - Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring:
     - [tag:backup] and [tag:disaster-recovery]
     - Service [tag:monitoring] 
     - [tag:scripting] and [tag:automation]

<h3>and it is <i>not</i> about…</h3>

- **Anything in a home setting**. No exceptions.
- [Product, service, or learning material recommendations.][6]
- Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education.
- [Licensing][7], legal (lex legis), and circumventing security or policy.
- Unauthorized hacking, password cracking, or system abuse and misuse.

<h3>… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!</h3>

<h3>We have <a href="">sister sites</a>:</h3>

- [StackOverflow][1] for Programming.
- [SuperUser][2] for general Networking, Hardware, and Technology.
- [Unix & Linux][4] for general Unix/Linux usage.
- [DBA][5] for Advanced Database topics.
- [IT Security][A] for Advanced Security (implementation, theory, white hat).

<h3>We also have…</h3>

… a [list of the most common questions with links to the "best" answer we've identified][9].
