The FAQ of Serverfault states:

> Server Fault is a site for system and network administrators needing
> expert answers related to managing computer systems in a professional
> capacity.

Does this not also include datacenter design questions, such as how do I layout my hot & cold aisles, or by how many inches should my floors be raised, or should I worry about [metal whiskering][1]?

There was as an argument, or more accurately, a discussion in SF chat about this very question earlier today.

Do we need to close vote such questions?  If so, why?  I contend that there's no better place to ask such questions, yet others contend that just because there's no better place to ask such questions doesn't mean that here's the place to ask such questions.

I contend that even questions like these, that may be more about structural engineering than about systems administration, are pertinent here because the questions are about topics that sysadmins ***should*** be concerned about, even if they individually are not.  Sysadmins and network admins should be worried about their systems all the way from the bricks and mortar and ventilation systems of the building, all the way to IOS and Linux and Windows.

Edit: I really appreciate all the great responses, and it was hard to choose just one person to get the green checkmark... but in the end I have to admit, Wesley wins it for the Venn diagrams.
