Why don't I have any Email notifications from some of threads, for ex., 

 - http://serverfault.com/questions/170476/windows-server-2008-connecting-to-127-0-0-1 

as well as entries in revisions or responses or activities lists either for "yesterday", or for "today", or for "this week" :

 - http://serverfault.com/users/recent/47886?startdate=2010-08-08%2000:00:00z&enddate=2010-08-15%2023:59:59z&tab=responses#tab-top
 - http://serverfault.com/users/recent/47886?startdate=2010-08-08%2000:00:00z&enddate=2010-08-15%2023:59:59z&tab=revisions#tab-top

while there were hundreds of revisions, responses, comments during the last 36 hours?

--------- Update1: 
@Kara Marfia,

> In at least one of those cases, it's
> because I edited out a lot of
> discussion/commentary text that was
> not pertinent to the technical
> question

No, it was not, I had no revisions/activities viewable before your editing. All in all there  was 1 or 2 entry(ies) on comment while there were over a hundred posts, updates, revisions, comments, answers 

It is not my frustration. It is SF's problem based on creating catch-22:  new-comer does not have any access to any minimal functionality for participation below the score 100 thereby forcing him to trick away things (maintain posts in searchable, tractable, editable, manageable, formattable, readable answers) in a manner which has sense to him. Downvoting, closing, deleting, revising, insulting only aggravate this catch-33.
I had read FAQ many times. It is senseless to send me there. It does not help to anything

As far as I do not have access, at least, to see revision history, there is absolutely no sense in deleting my ramblings.

They irritate you? Not me. 

There is no point to tell me about my irritation if it is yours and it is not me who create,  maintain and aggravate it to the point of absurdness.

--------- **Update2:** 

It is completely crazy to insist to pass somebody's writings to become the property of others denying any access to it by the author (expecting that the author will delete its own discussions, history denying to them access to itself but permitting to view them to others). from any of possible angles - juridical, ethical, moral, common sense, etc. 

--------- **Update3:** 

Insisting to comment denying access to comments by downvoting, insisting to delete rabmlings denying access to my own writings but permitting the access by others. 

**Hmmm, continue. But do not insist on calling your problems "my"**


No, revisions are not always available! In 95% of cases they were not available to me.

I can only guess what this availability depends on