The comment thread and reaction to the original poster of [this question][1] was completely out-of-line. This went from something that could have been informative to a strange attack on developers... I'm not sure why people piled on the OP. Some of the responses were straight-up disrespectful. Start-ups with dev-only teams are not an uncommon scenario, and there are plenty of situations where access to a qualified systems engineer isn't easy. I understand that there's friction between the traditional systems administration community and the increased presence of DevOps and developer-driven architectures, but it's here to stay!! There will be more Ubuntu questions, more basic infrastructure inquiries from people who have had little experience with enterprise hardware and definitely more people who haven't "paid their dues" in the same way old-school sysadmins have... **New paradigm.** But it's not an excuse to berate someone coming to Server Fault for help. *"Hire a sysadmin"* isn't constructive on its own... [1]: