Ok, I'll bite. We need a "You have no idea what you are doing, hire a professional" close reason, but without sounding as condescending as that. ServerFault is supposed to be for *professional* sysadmins. Well meaning novices/amateurs/non-sysadmins-tasked-with-sysadmin-tasks should be and feel welcome, but for people who are a mile up shit creek without a paddle, quite frequently the best answer is "hire somebody who actually knows what he is doing". Maybe phrase it as: > **You need more support than we can provide**. > >From your question and/or responses, it is very clear that you are not a professional systems administrator but are in need of one. Server Fault is a site dedicated to professionals, novice questions like this are off-topic and the best advice we can give you is to hire a professional to help you out. Or perhaps (incoming attempt by Wesley...) > **ServerFault is for Professional system and network administrators** > > It appears from the context of your question and comments that you are > not acting in a professional capacity as a system or network > professional. While you may be tasked with duties that mimic such a > professional, your skills and primary responsibilities are not within > the realm of the allowed audience. Please consider hiring someone with > the proper skillset to prevent damage to your systems and data. We can > no longer continue to help and thus risk creating greater dangers than > what are already present.