Based on the comment by the OP of [this question][1], *"After a reboot, everything worked out"*, I flagged the question for closure. It's my understanding that [we close questions that are no longer answerable][2]. In my opinion "reboot your server" is a good suggestion, but not really an answer to the question.

Not feeling one of the canned flags addressed this situation, I used a mod intervention flag, which was declined with the explanation:

> How does this require mod intervention. Write a self-answer or delete.

I don't have enough rep to delete the question and, as explained above, my understanding is this question needs to be closed, not answered.

**Was I wrong to initiate an effort to close this question?**

*Based on the decline reason instructing me to "self-answer", I'm wondering if the mod thought I was the OP. This would explain the instruction to delete. If this was a misunderstanding, no harm done, but I'm still interested to know the Server Fault community's stance on handling questions of this type*.
