When you want propose a migration, you've got two options:

1. Flag it and hope for the best (that's totally acceptable)
2. Pop over into the chat room [Vote to Close][1] and pop a link to the question in there

Don't worry, we like you until you prove otherwise, so flag away!

Oh, and you have a santa hat, so that's already made you 10x more likable than the default like setting.

Oh yeah, one more thing I should point out, you have a seperate "rep" for flagging (called Flag Weight, look out for it in your profile). This is what affects the "weight" of your flag (well, how high it appears on the todo list anyway) and is seperate from your regular rep (which measures how knowledgable you are). So even if you have 1 rep, you can have a very heavy flag weight.

  [1]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/161/server-fault-vote-to-close