**Obligatory Obvious Answer**:

5 people though it should be closed, and a plurality of them for the reason of "off topic"

**Honest thoughts**:

Seems like a valid question, though you have provided minimal details. We really need to know what software you're running, and the detail logs or error messages you're seeing. It seems your competiency level with system administration is rather low and you haven't demonstrated much that you put much effort into solving the issue before posting it on SF.

**I recommend**:

 1. Check the logs, turn on verbose logging or reporting (commonly using the `-v` switch). 
 2. Edit in more details of what's going on, the exact software/platform/etc.
 2. Make sure you're Googled some of the error messages, this might be a common problem. If it's easily solved by Google then it *generally is* off topic here.

Also, don't be afraid of the [FAQ](https://serverfault.com/faq) and [How to Ask a Question](https://serverfault.com/questions/how-to-ask). They're helpful.