I'm not sure what you are seeking to gain from your participation on Server Fault, in particular > ... see how I could get positive reputation: I imagine I would need to spend a lot of time learning untill I can answer any questions like the highly competent people that are getting upvotes on this site. Asking the questions that don't suck looks like a more realistic proposition short-term. confuses me. This seems to suggest that you're only interested in gaining internet points which is entirely the wrong reason to be here. Whilst it's conceivable that just about any IT related question could be asked here with the expectation of getting an answer, we limit our audience to the professional in the hope that we will attract good quality questions. You really don't appear to fall within our target audience. Your questions are very basic, poorly researched and of a generally low quality - like you're trying too hard to gain rep and will ask just about anything. The scatter gun approach may work elsewhere but it won't work on SF as you are discovering. You need to consider whether Server Fault is the SE site for you and take appropriate action. If you're going to stay then you need to get yourself some education, right now your knowledge and skill set is way below that which I would attribute to a professional within our target audience. As a Q&A site it is not our mission to teach you the basics or how to do your own research.