No we don't have to drop the networking questions any more than we dropped questions related to [security][1], [databases][2], and other topics. If it relates to professional system administration it can be asked here. If the question will get better answer over there we will migrate them. Looking at the questions so far on the Beta, I think many of the questions would fit here, but probably would not receive much attention. I don't know if it will work, but the Network Engineering people think that another site will attract more experts that will be able to answer the types of questions that were not getting much attention on serverfault. I signed on to the Network Engineer proposal to see if believe is true. If the site doesn't gel, then I expect many of the questions will get migrated back to here. If it does work well, then we can migrate the networking related questions over there, we they don't get enough attention, over here. [1]: [2]: