I disagree. The bar should be exactly as high as it is for everyone else. We're meant to be curating a corpus of high quality Q&A. If you let one class of user get away with low quality Q&A then you have to let other classes do the same ([Broken Windows][1] just like [here][2]). 

The OPs self answer was basically I fixed the problem by reinstalling the software - that may be useful to some but it's not a useful sysadmin answer. Reinstalling software isn't normally high on my trouble shooting list and I doubt it's high on most sysadmin's lists either. 

Personally I'd just like to see the crappy cpanel et al questions from non sysadmins closed quicker so they can't attract crappy answers from anyone.

  [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory
  [2]: https://meta.serverfault.com/a/6524/9517