I deleted your question, for these reasons: 1. It's not really [on topic][1]. > is not about: > * consumer workstations or networking (which belong on our sister site, [Super User][2]) The [tour][3] also mentions this. > Don't ask about... > * Anything in a home or development environment 2. It was reposted from another site, while still being open on the other site. Generally, questions should not be reposted on a site while they are still active on another. Where do you ask? I'd send the question to [SU][2], but you've already posted it there. Ultimately, none of the sites will get you an answer that _resolves your connectivity problem_. Either SF or [Network Engineering][4] could probably _explain_ the problem in a depth you might not understand, but probably could not tell you exactly whose fault it is. And there's probably already a Q&A on SF somewhere that does so; I haven't gone looking for it yet. [SU][2] could also explain it, probably more clearly for an end user, but still couldn't help you actually connect to the web site. [1]: https://serverfault.com/help/on-topic [2]: https://superuser.com/ [3]: https://serverfault.com/tour [4]: https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/