**First question:** From the ServerFault FAQ as of January 20, 2011 (emphasis mine): > Server Fault is for system > administrators and desktop support > professionals, ***people who manage or > maintain computers in a professional > capacity.*** Please enunciate what you believe is a good definition of "professional capacity". ---------- **Second Question (related):** What determines if a question is asked in a "professional capacity" and deserves an answer and what should be closed and/or migrated to another site (usually SuperUser)? ---------- ## Response: Mark Henderson > **First Question:** > > If you are in charge of more than just > your own computer at your company, or > your company has appointed you to a > position where you're expected to > manage hardware or software, then you > can ask your question here. This > includes both beginners and old-timers > alike. That said however, we expect > you to take a professional attitude > towards your question, and not ask > "plz send teh codes, kthxbai". > > **Second Question:** > > Does the question include the word > "home"? If it does, can the question > be re-written so that it applies to > the sysadmin community. For example, > if you're setting up "Windows Home > Server", then it should be moved to > Super User. However, if you say "I'm > having trouble applying a GPO policy > to my Active Directory that I've set > up at home", then by removing the last > few words of the question the question > is then applicable to a wider > audience.