I have noticed a couple of people on SF that are "spamming" for a company called colasoft. If this was traditional one-liner spam I would be flagging it and moving on with my life. 

However there is a reason i put spamming in quotes. Their answers aren't completely off-topic and in most cases the tool _could_ have some use, just in my opinion isn't the first thing to try or in some cases the second, third or fourth thing to try. 

[John here][1] has been pushing colasoft products in all of his posts. The only reason it got my attention was that a month or so ago there was a user "anna" or somthing like that who did the same thing, just a bit more blatantly. So when I saw a post in the same pattern it twitched a nerve. 

Ideas on how to handle this type of situation? Should i just flag it and move on with my life?

  [1]: http://serverfault.com/users/30191/john