Some time ago we requested [Clippy Pop out][1] and help people ask a better question.

(time passed)

Someone else asked for a [similar feature][2] on mSE.

(more time passed)

[This feature][3] has been added to Stack Overflow.

![enter image description here][4]


I think that Server Fault could benefit from a feature like this. 

For example We have a Canonical Q&A for [tag:cron] and pretty much every cron related question can be closed as a dupe of it. Having this pop out and point people at it may help them get to an answer quicker.

Similarly we could use it for 

- [tag:licensing] and [tag:mod-rewrite] to point at canonical Q&A. 
- [tag:vhost] could ask for apachectl -S/httpd -S.
- [tag:httpd-error]* could ask for log entries.
- [tag:ssh] ask for ssh -v output and server log entries.

I'm sure we could come up with lots more but should we ?
