Not sure if I should add this as another question but there is now a rash of new users on SF posting VMware related questions that are direct lifts of questions from various VMware Communities Forums. Some are reasonable questions but some ( like [this one][1] ) could only make sense in the support forum where they originated from. Many of the questions asked by the user referred to by Chopper3 followed the same pattern. This doesn't appear to be an attempt to game the reputation system, and there's no obvious Spam angle that I can see but it is very irritating and I don't think that it is healthy for SF to have content that is clearly lifted from other sites without any acknowledgement. I'm happily down-voting the ones I recognize and have started to flag them but I also don't want to send a torrent of junk at the moderators if this is something that I'm alone in thinking needs to be cleaned up. [1]: