In short I'd say we're holding our own but not everything is rosy. The [stats][1] don't agree with your perception. Of the original trilogy we are where we have been for some considerable time. Our answer rate is 81%, the same as the other 2 trilogy sites. That suggests we have fewer unanswered questions than SO/SU. If you look at the [user leagues][2] you'll see that we are a smaller community than either SO or SU and fewer of us participate actively answering questions (as measured by rep >=200). There are definitely far too many poor quality questions that should be closed. There is though a reluctance to do so and there are few of us who actively participate in this. It feels to me like there is a negative feedback situation with voting. Reputation is hard to gain here so people seem reluctant to vote for competing answers which makes reputation hard to gain ... More voting would get more users with the privilege to participate which would help with managing the poor quality questions. [1]: [2]: