In response to voretaq7's comment on [an answer]( elsewhere, I'm here proposing some adjustments to the help and other text. I was looking for the following material, and managed not to find it, though the locations and titles do make sense in retrospect (but _only_, I think, in retrospect). The idea of a 'canonical answer' is probably more descriptive than the traditional 'frequently asked questions (with answers)', but the latter is, well, traditional, and people are primed to look for it. For this reason, I think, I missed the significance of _…a list of the most common questions with links to the “best” answer we’ve identified_ on the [on-topic page]( This might be better phrased as "_...a list of Frequently Asked Questions with our canonical/best answers_". If the letters `FAQ` can appear close to there, it's pretty much impossible to miss. [That page]( might be usefully titled something like (again) "Frequently Asked Questions (with answers)", so that it appears more meaningfully in the [faq tag list]( That page starts off _These questions clarify points in the ServerFault FAQ_ but I still haven't found the actual FAQ. Perhaps this text could link to it. On the [help page]( it would be useful if the first heading under 'Asking' was 'Read the FAQ', with a link. Come to that, it would be useful if there were a FAQ link on the front page. The 'canonical answers' page should perhaps make clear that these are deemed _bad questions_, partly because they've already been answered, but also because they're open-ended, can go out of date, etc etc, and so they should _only_ be asked if they are labelled within the question as creating a canonical Question/Answer, _and_ are accompanied by a draft answer (from reading the nominal 'question' on this page, I'm taking it that this is the approved procedure; if not, this is the place to spell out the correct one). I hope this is useful.