There is only a very small number of users who actual actively look at the review queues.

What I see happening is this:

- User posts question
- User does not read the notice about how there is a wait before the question appears
- Question does not appear on main site
- User posts the same question again
- Question still doesn't appear
- wtf is this shit? And dissapears never to be seen again
- Now there are two questions that need approval in the queue
- Very few people actually check the queue and it takes 4-5 hours for questions to be approved
- Questions come through in huge lumps as the last vote required for approval comes through
- The front page of the site is unchanged except for when 30 questions get dumped all at once
- There is no public review process of questions that were rejected
  - e.g. when a question is posted and then closed, people can see the closed questions and vote to re-open, or post a meta thread
  - if a question was never even posted, then there can be no wider community involvement in disagreeing with the actions

I don't think this is a very good idea. Really, closing the stuff that would not have been approved in the first place isn't a huge amount of work, and not *that* much spam gets through and is easily dealt with.