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The question you're asking is designed to solicit opinions or best-practices on a particular topic, with the goal of reaching community consensus.

8 votes

Are questions on Docker suitable for ServerFault?

I would think that configuring Docker for an app would be a stackoverflow question, administering docker containers (Kubernetes) would be an admin question.
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
7 votes

Let us (continue to) close old, off-topic questions about web hosting control panels

I'm a little confused as to why we need to spend time retroactively closing these questions. I agree that they are now OT in most cases (not all- but certainly most), and new questions should be clos …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
7 votes
5 answers

Moving questions

Is there a set of guidelines about where questions get migrated to and when and why? I recently noticed a question that got moved (228792) to a stackexchange site. My thoughts were: Seriously? - w …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
2 votes

What should Server Fault do with questions about web hosting control panels?

Questions on control panels should be closed. Questions that my (either inadvertently or explicitly) mention the presence of a control panel should not: Examples: What is the easiest way to find out …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
2 votes

What does the community think about the recent review queue change?

The point seems to be to "fix" the amount of crappy answers to old questions by users that can't (or are too lazy) to comment. I see this as a positive thing.
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
1 vote

Asking how to block Microsofts Telemetry/ Data collection/ Privacy Invasion push for older d...

I just voted to close it. Try being more specific. Do you want to control updates? Do you want to control telemetry? What do news articles have to do with it? Whichever problem you choose to tackl …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
1 vote
3 answers

closed because the questioner didnt search

So it seems ok for someone to answer a question to use google But if a user does not use goog …
Jim B's user avatar
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1 vote

What should we do with questions about Vagrant?

I've tossed enough comments in so I thought I'd summarize my arguments in one place. Pro argument: Vagrant is an admin tool for managing environments My response Nonsense- out of all the admins he …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
0 votes

Merge 64 bit tags

Why merge? tags are for searching so clearly there are some folks that say 64 bit and some that say x64. If anything I'd say ensure that all are crosstagged with both. However for tags like windows …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
0 votes

Free LOPSA Memberships

I don't rank high enough but I'd certainly be up for it.
-1 votes

Why are learning materials questions off-topic?

There are lots of learning questions on SO because the idea of SO was to become the default place to search for programming questions. However that changed fairly rapidly and now those questions are …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k
-5 votes

Where is the line with the Google sponsored tags?

We've had a ton of discussion on control panels, and the consensus was to make them OT. I don't care who the vendor is, or anything about the question. It should be marked OT and closed. …
Jim B's user avatar
  • 24.2k