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You have an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.

2 votes

Answering your own question: officially encouraged and unofficially despised?

You got downvotes from me because: You didn't ask a question, although sysadmin1138 has edited it to add a question since. I also cast a close vote on it for the same reason. You gave an answer to a …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
2 votes

Universal Blacklist Request: RTFM

Sorry but sometimes RFTM is the correct answer. We see far too many posts which would never have been required if the asker had simply done the right thing and read the documentation. Instead of crea …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
1 vote

Points for comments

"but cannot provide their proposed solution until the situation is clarified" pretty much covers it. Answers earn rep. Comments are not answers and therefore don't deserve rep (although sometimes I wi …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
0 votes

Questions with favourites tags: can you make the background darker?

I don't see the problem. Maybe you need to adjust your monitor. While the contrast isn't as great as that on SO it's still more than adequate to make it obvious.
John Gardeniers's user avatar
0 votes

Some kind of 'edit locking'

The biggest problem I see is that if someone starts editing a post but doesn't save it how long should the system wait until it's freed up again? If the time is reasonable, say a few minutes, and it's …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
3 votes

Bad kerning in Firefox on ServerFault Blog

Two points: I didn't know (or had totally forgotten) there is a blog. You're right about it looking crappy in FF on XP. The letters look like they're being just a little too friendly with each other …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
1 vote

Why are sometimes popular questions closed?

One point that you need to consider when looking at old questions is that the site has evolved quite a lot. That means questions which were acceptable a couple of years ago wouldn't last an hour now. …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make a post "sticky"?

From time to time things with a higher than normal level of importance and/or time sensitivity get posted here. e.g. The election and FAQ discussion. On a BBS such things would be made sticky to ensur …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
2 votes

Syntax highlighting based on tag

While on the surface this sounds like a great idea it's not as attractive after giving it some more thought. Due to the diversity of what we work with I just can't see tags being a good way to go. Wh …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
6 votes

How about providing question templates for typical questions?

While on the surface this sounds like a good idea the reality is that we would need about a gazillion different templates, which becomes so cumbersome and difficult to work with that it would surprise …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
0 votes

Bad rejection: Moderators should probably err on the side of inclusion, not on the side of r...

As others have already made clear, your edit added nothing of relevance to the original answer. It was merely expressing your opinions. The original got to the point without unnecessary verbiage, so t …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Inappropriate font sizes

From time to time I see questions or answers in which the poster has used something other than regular font size. This can look absolutely appalling. e.g. Stop an already running cron job Can the CSS …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
2 votes

Ampersand is mangled beyond recognition

Crappy though it be, I've seen that design many times before, in both print and electronic media, and have no problem recognising it as an ampersand. FWIW, when handwriting I do my ampersands the same …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
4 votes

Random idea: add tags of any question asked to user's 'favourites'?

I don't think it's a stupid idea but perhaps one that has more against it than for it. I believe most users deliberately select tags they are interested in, which is quite separate from the ones used …
John Gardeniers's user avatar
2 votes

Highlighting inside code blocks?

The idea of trying any kind of language identification in the code blocks has been discussed before. What it boils down to is that it just doesn't work at all well for the kinds of things that get pos …
John Gardeniers's user avatar

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