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9 votes

Why should questions about interactions between my server and bots off-topic?

We don't accept web panel question. This topic had been covered a lot in the past and wont change today. I think whether I have root access to my server or not is irrelevant. To answer you on ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
7 votes

Why should questions about interactions between my server and bots off-topic?

You appear to be operating under the misapprehension that questions are assessed in some isolated, sterile environment, free from any influence of the past communications of the asker. This is an ...
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k
6 votes

On-topic automation/management tools vs off-topic product recommendations - where the border lies?

The close reason chosen lays it out quite well: "Requests for product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they attract low quality, opinionated and spam answers,...
EEAA's user avatar
  • 110k
6 votes

Why is my question about docker-compose off-topic?

Docker Desktop and the Linux subsystem for Windows are not production level tools. Instead, they are meant for dev and/or home use and are thus off-topic. Questions about these tools might be asked on ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 100k
5 votes

Why doesn't ServerFault allow questions about unsupported hardware/software platforms?

As it happens, the Stack Enterprise solution you can buy for your company includes a "content health" close-queue specifically to capture this aging concept. But this is not Stack Enterprise,...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 135k
5 votes

On-topic automation/management tools vs off-topic product recommendations - where the border lies?

Regarding your edit: However, questions "what of AAA, BBB, CCC that can do XXX?" is much more narrow and more clearly defined and thus the clear answer can be provided such as "None" or "Try DDD" ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 100k
4 votes

Where this is a web hosting control panel?

Yes, not sure what I was thinking there. I've reopened it. Sorry for the mistake.
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k
4 votes

Please reinstate "must know what you are talking about" close reason

5 custom close reasons is the max allowed. Although some of the current reasons overlap a bit, they all come up often enough that I wouldn't choose to get rid of them. I think the "Questions ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
3 votes

Is the "Questions should demonstrate reasonable information technology management practices" close reason too subjective?

We've had a lot of debates over close reasons over the years, and this particular one is the lone survivor of the inherent bias in sysadmin communities to not help people who are doing objectively (...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 135k
3 votes

Please reinstate "must know what you are talking about" close reason

Sadly, I don't think this is going to fly as it will hurt people's feelings which goes against company policy. Your best bet it to roll your own by choosing Close -> A community-specific reason -&...
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k
3 votes

Why doesn't ServerFault allow questions about unsupported hardware/software platforms?

Security. Orphaned products and platforms do not receive security updates, which results in vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed. Support. Although it should be obvious, few people like systems that ...
Greg Askew's user avatar
3 votes

I asked a question for my work. Is this not 'managing information technology systems in a business environment'?

I'am not a Linux expert nor I voted to close, but there is two issues I see with your question that could bring a close vote. To state it too, close are not permanent, if you correct the question it ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
3 votes

I asked a question for my work. Is this not 'managing information technology systems in a business environment'?

I would extend the reason to "generally acceptable technologies and practices that are found in a typical business environment". Hardware, operating systems and applications that are end of ...
Greg Askew's user avatar
2 votes

I asked a question for my work. Is this not 'managing information technology systems in a business environment'?

Further to the other answer, when multiple close reasons are selected by close-voters, only one (whatever gets the most votes) is shown. There was a close-vote for the reason mentioned in the other ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
2 votes

Why doesn't ServerFault allow questions about unsupported hardware/software platforms?

What is the rationale for not allowing questions about unsupported platforms? It's been my experience that a big part of being an IT professional is dealing with old stuff. In general each question ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 82.5k
2 votes

If this question is off-topic, where is it on-topic?

It was closed as being a "shopping question": Requests for product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they attract low quality, opinionated and spam ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
2 votes

Why is my question about subdomain usage with content delivery networks off-topic?

Because it doesn't relate to your management of an IT system in a professional capacity. The question also qualifies for closure under the "opinion-based" (because Internet randos really can't ...
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k
2 votes

How to flag/close questions about old/irrelevant versions

No specific action is required. Old questions don't need closing simply because they are old and/or outdated. All posts are dated and people sufficiently literate to use a search engine to find an ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 82.5k
2 votes

How to flag/close questions about old/irrelevant versions

I don't believe that we must do anything about such a question if it is on topic for ServerFault. Someone could still answer this (even if it is unlikely) and someone found it worthwile enough to ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 100k
1 vote

Why was my question closed as opinion-based?

where exactly does the "cloud" begin and end isn't really clear to me. That isn't answerable due to the "cloud" and "edge" are colloquial. They are intended to apply ...
Greg Askew's user avatar
1 vote

Why was my question closed as opinion-based?

I've fixed the close reason to better reflect the question's issues.
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible