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12 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

OK, after actually having used it now on the only site I frequent: This new layout is absolutely no improvement in any way compared to the old version. Actually, for me it is a lot less usable than ...
Sven's user avatar
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7 votes

Bug: Code block scroller hides the code

If I'am not mistaking, it's a Chrome/Chromium bug; I got the link from that thread; Cannot dismiss scrollbar in code box, blocks view ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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6 votes

New Server Fault theme coming soon

I believe this 3 column design with a largely empty and unused first column is a massive waste of space, especially on technical sites that often use wide code segments that then needs to be ...
Sven's user avatar
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6 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

status-bydesign We can't collapse the top bar and site header into one since we need to maintain the Stack Exchange branding and provide clear visibility regarding which site you're on. There's a lot ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
4 votes

Questions with accepted answers should stand out more

When the UI got updated in the past, it was reported as a bug and never fixed. A side note on mobile the UI is the same for all site, as such the color are better suited for question with accepted ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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3 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

The font/color for visited links both in comments and questions/answers is barely distinguishable from normal text: It's especially bad for commments: Unvisited link: Visited link but questions/...
Sven's user avatar
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2 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

In the live site the spacing in the top bar its empty, at the right of the serverfault logo, but in the proposed theme I see a logo in the top right space, like small cube. Is it a error? To add an ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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2 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

status-completed SF is a lot more blue than it used to be. (I also noticed this on Ask Ubuntu, so it seems to not be just us.) Numerous visual elements that were gray, yellow or red, such as tags ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
1 vote

New Server Fault theme coming soon

I'am happy to see the new theme coming to serverfault with the ability to watch tag. One feature that was lacking the old theme was the way the site show a question with a accepted answer, from all ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k

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